
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Scripture of the Day - 1 Corinthians 15:57-58 NRSV
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Scripture of the Day - 1 Corinthians 15:57-58 NRSV
This Morning we will hear from the Word of God and allow it to Bless our lives. To purchase additional eBooks on Devotionals from The Ministry please Click Here. Send an email to suggest Devotional topics and to send in a special Prayer request… jkwoodallministries@gmail.com
Morning Devotionals Radio Station - Click Here
Talk Show via PodBean App - https://jkwoodallministries.podbean.com
Follow US on Social Media:
Twitter - @WoodallMin_JK
**You can also download this Podcast from Amazon Music.**
**Listen on Pandora by Clicking Here***
Audiobooks from JK Woodall Ministries are Now Available for Download!
If you have a special Morning Devotional Scripture, please send it in. We can create a Podcast from your suggestions.
Remember to Subscribe Here… You can also find This Podcast on iTunes… Transcripts of the recordings are posted on Our Blog Page…
Need to be Uplifted? Listen to our Online Radio Station …
To view Live events and Online Services go to our Ministry… https://jkwoodallministry.online.church/
Stay safe, Stay Blessed...

Monday Jan 17, 2022
Scripture of the Day - 2 Corinthians 9:8 ESV
Monday Jan 17, 2022
Monday Jan 17, 2022
Scripture of the Day - 2 Corinthians 9:8 ESV
This Morning we will hear from the Word of God and allow it to Bless our lives. To purchase additional eBooks on Devotionals from The Ministry please Click Here. Send an email to suggest Devotional topics and to send in a special Prayer request… jkwoodallministries@gmail.com
Morning Devotionals Radio Station - Click Here
Talk Show via PodBean App - https://jkwoodallministries.podbean.com
Follow US on Social Media:
Twitter - @WoodallMin_JK
**You can also download this Podcast from Amazon Music.**
**Listen on Pandora by Clicking Here***
Audiobooks from JK Woodall Ministries are Now Available for Download!
If you have a special Morning Devotional Scripture, please send it in. We can create a Podcast from your suggestions.
Remember to Subscribe Here… You can also find This Podcast on iTunes… Transcripts of the recordings are posted on Our Blog Page…
Need to be Uplifted? Listen to our Online Radio Station …
To view Live events and Online Services go to our Ministry… https://jkwoodallministry.online.church/
Stay safe, Stay Blessed...

Saturday Nov 06, 2021
The Interview with Margaret Agard
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Margaret Agard is a prime example on how God answers prayer. Bio: A single mother-and the sole financial support-of eight children, I also attended night classes, finishing up my degree while working as a computer consultant to provide for those children. I couldn’t have done all that needed doing. As I let go and let God, He gave me the most beautiful, unexpected life I didn’t even know I wanted until I had it. https://inhisfootsteps.com/

Friday Jul 30, 2021
The Interview with Gerard Long
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Gerard Long speaks to us about his tragedy to triumph experience. His story will change your life and all will see that we Serve a Living God!
Bio: Gerard Long tells his story of healing from the suffering and depression caused by the death of his two children and how God helped him transform the pain he went through into good to better the lives of others.
Learning about how to overcome suffering and face depression as a Christian, or any of the other topics outlined below? 1. Tackling Mental Health Issues as a Christian 2. 5 Key Ways to Help You Journey Through Suffering. 3. How God Transformed my Marriage from Tragedy to Triumph For more information, see the media kit for Living Hope (which includes a showreel): www.livinghopebook.com ; or a video outlining Gerard's story: "How do you Survive after the Death of Two Children" (https://youtu.be/mXD1yeq4QrM)

Sunday Jul 11, 2021
The Interview with Mr. Branch Isole
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
The Interview with Mr. Branch Isole
Branch Isloe provides his insights on writing style and how God is changing lives today though books he has authored. Branch writes of issues and emotions often experienced, but not always voiced.
Bio: Branch Isole is author of twenty-two books in four genres. The power of personal responsibility, or its avoidance, is his writing focus. His self-discovery themes span a wide range of reflective identity situations and scenarios every adult recognizes. His stories explore concepts and actions of struggle and relationship dynamics across a broad spectrum.

Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
The Interview with Dr. Sam Kojoglanian
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Dr. Sam provides his insights on his Medical Practice and how the Lord is using him as a messenger to the World. Dr. Sam's story will allow everyone to see the goodness of the Lord.
Bio: Dr. Kojoglanian’s private practice began in 2002 in Mission Hills. In 2008, he opened his own office, the Mender of Hearts in Santa Clarita, CA and continues to serve his communities with love, skill, compassion and honor. By Partnering with pastors, churches, and medical personnel, volunteers are set in motion to serve the citizens. Those in attendance receive free medical and dental care, are given meals, and subsequently hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
website is www.beaconofhearts.org
FB - https://www.facebook.com/pg/BeaconofHearts/about/?ref=page_internal
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/drkojoglanian/?utm_source=ig_embed

Saturday Jun 12, 2021
Christian Talk Show Episode 15 (Positive Change is On the Way)
Saturday Jun 12, 2021
Saturday Jun 12, 2021
Minister Jermaine Woodall & Pastor Ceaser Vargas discuss the following Christian topics affecting all Christians today.
- 1. Temptation
Is temptation a sin?
Who tempts us?
What should we feel if we fall?
- 2. Stand up for what you believe
Convictions and beliefs
Know who you are and what you carry

Friday May 14, 2021
The Interview with Brother Linwood Jackson - Part 1
Friday May 14, 2021
Friday May 14, 2021
Inspirational Brother Linwood Jackson provides insights on his Life, Transformation, and Philosophy. JK Woodall Ministries captures new insights on the Biblical vs Spiritual knowledge while Interviewing with Brother Linwood Jackson.
About Brother Linwood:
What I promote will never be of my own creation, a montage of internet conspiracies, or false prophecies. I have dedicated my life to uncovering the true nature of the Bible’s philosophy and disproving the fallacies that exist. With what is uncovered, I will help develop a culture of personal investigation along with a practical application of spirituality according to the teachings of the Living God.

Saturday May 01, 2021
The Interview with Brother Linwood Jackson (April 2021)
Saturday May 01, 2021
Saturday May 01, 2021
Inspirational Brother Linwood Jackson provides insights on his Life, Transformation, and Philosophy. JK Woodall Ministries captures new insights on the Biblical vs Spiritual knowledge while Interviewing with Brother Linwood Jackson.
About Brother Linwood:
What I promote will never be of my own creation, a montage of internet conspiracies, or false prophecies. I have dedicated my life to uncovering the true nature of the Bible’s philosophy and disproving the fallacies that exist. With what is uncovered, I will help develop a culture of personal investigation along with a practical application of spirituality according to the teachings of the Living God.

Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Minister Jermaine Woodall & Pastor Ceaser Vargas discuss the following Christian topics affecting all Christians today.
- Is God always loving
Does He get angry
Does He kill
Does God Judge
- Did God create imperfection
How did sin come into the world
Did Adam and Eve sin first
How did Satan have sin when God created him, is it God’s fault sin came into the world then?